Thursday, April 7, 2011

Optimizing Merge Sort

A number of years ago I wrote about the Merge Sort algorithm. One of the advantages of Merge Sort is that it is a stable sort, meaning that elements that compare as being equal remain in their original order after being sorted.

Well, today I had need of employing a stable sorting routine for sorting elements by a ZIndex in Moonlight. Up until today, we had been using qsort() which, while not guaranteed to be a stable sort on any platform, happens to be implemented in glibc as a stable sort except in out-of-memory conditions. Since we'd like Moonlight to work on platforms other than Linux+glibc (such as Mac OS or BSD), it has become important enough to implement properly.

To start, I dusted off my generic MergeSort() implementation from years ago when I was writing articles about various sorting algorithms. This is what I had to start with:

#define MID(lo, hi) (lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1))

static void
msort (void *array, void *buf, size_t low, size_t high, size_t size,
       int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    register char *lo, *hi, *b;
    char *al, *am, *ah;
    size_t mid;
    mid = MID (low, high);
    if (mid + 1 < high)
        msort (array, buf, mid + 1, high, size, compare);
    if (mid > low)
        msort (array, buf, low, mid, size, compare);
    ah = ((char *) array) + ((high + 1) * size);
    am = ((char *) array) + ((mid + 1) * size);
    al = ((char *) array) + (low * size);
    b = (char *) buf;
    lo = al;
    hi = am;
    while (lo < am && hi < ah) {
        if (compare (lo, hi) <= 0) {
            memcpy (b, lo, size);
            lo += size;
        } else {
            memcpy (b, hi, size);
            hi += size;
        b += size;
    if (lo < am)
        memcpy (b, lo, am - lo);
    else if (hi < ah)
        memcpy (b, hi, (ah + size) - hi);
    memcpy (al, buf, ah - al);

MergeSort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
           int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    void *tmp;
    if (nmemb < 2)
        return 0;
    if (!(tmp = malloc (nmemb * size))) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;
    msort (base, tmp, 0, nmemb - 1, size, compare);
    free (tmp);
    return 0;

Since performance is very important, I clocked this implementation against qsort() and got the following results on my Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz machine using arrays of 10 million ints:

  • Randomized input: 14.13s vs qsort()'s 6.77s
  • Sorted input: 4.41s vs qsort()'s 1.54s
  • Reversed input: 4.26s vs qsort()'s 1.90s

Clearly the above MergeSort() implementation did not fare well against glibc's qsort() on my system, so it was time to look at what I could do to improve the performance.

The most obvious optimization I could see was to try and batch my memcpy() calls. In other words, instead of calling memcpy() to copy each and every element into our temporary buffer, it'd be more efficient to copy blocks of elements at a time:

static void
msort (void *array, void *buf, size_t low, size_t high, size_t size,
       int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    char *al, *am, *ah, *ls, *hs, *lo, *hi, *b;
    size_t mid;
    mid = MID (low, high);
    if (mid + 1 < high)
        msort (array, buf, mid + 1, high, size, compare);
    if (mid > low)
        msort (array, buf, low, mid, size, compare);
    ah = ((char *) array) + ((high + 1) * size);
    am = ((char *) array) + ((mid + 1) * size);
    al = ((char *) array) + (low * size);
    b = (char *) buf;
    lo = al;
    hi = am;
    do {
        ls = lo;
        hs = hi;
        if (lo > al || hi > am) {
            /* our last loop already compared lo & hi and found lo <= hi */
            lo += size;
        while (lo < am && compare (lo, hi) <= 0)
            lo += size;
        if (lo > ls) {
            memcpy (b, ls, lo - ls);
            b += (lo - ls);
        if (lo < am) {
            /* our last compare tells us hi < lo */
            hi += size;
            while (hi < ah && compare (hi, lo) < 0)
                hi += size;
            memcpy (b, hs, hi - hs);
            b += (hi - hs);
    } while (lo < am && hi < ah);
    if (lo < am)
        memcpy (b, lo, am - lo);
    else if (hi < ah)
        memcpy (b, hi, ah - hi);
    memcpy (al, buf, ah - al);

The results were promising. For the exact same inputs (including the exact same random array), we now get:

  • Randomized input: 10.45s
  • Sorted input: 2.08s
  • Reversed input: 2.03s

The only other way that we can reduce the number of memcpy() calls we make is to avoid copying leading and trailing elements into our temporary buffer if it's not necessary to merge them. Here's the solution I came up with:

static void
msort (void *array, void *buf, size_t low, size_t high, size_t size,
       int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    char *a1, *al, *am, *ah, *ls, *hs, *lo, *hi, *b;
    size_t copied = 0;
    size_t mid;
    mid = MID (low, high);
    if (mid + 1 < high)
        msort (array, buf, mid + 1, high, size, compare);
    if (mid > low)
        msort (array, buf, low, mid, size, compare);
    ah = ((char *) array) + ((high + 1) * size);
    am = ((char *) array) + ((mid + 1) * size);
    a1 = al = ((char *) array) + (low * size);
    b = (char *) buf;
    lo = al;
    hi = am;
    do {
        ls = lo;
        hs = hi;
        if (lo > al || hi > am) {
            /* our last loop already compared lo & hi and found lo <= hi */
            lo += size;
        while (lo < am && compare (lo, hi) <= 0)
            lo += size;
        if (lo < am) {
            if (copied == 0) {
                /* avoid copying the leading items */
                a1 = lo;
                ls = lo;
            /* our last compare tells us hi < lo */
            hi += size;
            while (hi < ah && compare (hi, lo) < 0)
                hi += size;
            if (lo > ls) {
                memcpy (b, ls, lo - ls);
                copied += (lo - ls);
                b += (lo - ls);
            memcpy (b, hs, hi - hs);
            copied += (hi - hs);
            b += (hi - hs);
        } else if (copied) {
            memcpy (b, ls, lo - ls);
            copied += (lo - ls);
            b += (lo - ls);
            /* copy everything we needed to re-order back into array */
            memcpy (a1, buf, copied);
        } else {
            /* everything already in order */
    } while (hi < ah);
    if (lo < am) {
        memcpy (b, lo, am - lo);
        copied += (am - lo);
    memcpy (a1, buf, copied);

Once again, reducing the amount of copying paid off:

  • Randomized input: 9.80s
  • Sorted input: 0.95s
  • Reversed input: 2.05s

Update 2011-05-18: One final optimization that can be tried is pre-calculating the optimum way to copy elements between buffers. This calculation, while not terribly expensive itself, adds up with every call to memcpy(). Let's start off by writing some handy macros:

#define COPYBY(TYPE, a, b, n) {         \
    long __n = (n) / sizeof (TYPE);     \
    register TYPE *__a = (TYPE *) (a);  \
    register TYPE *__b = (TYPE *) (b);  \
    do {                                \
        *__a++ = *__b++;                \
    } while (--__n > 0);                \

#define MEMCOPY(dest, src, n) {                 \
    switch (copy_mode) {                        \
    case 1: COPYBY (long, dest, src, n); break; \
    case 2: COPYBY (int, dest, src, n); break;  \
    default: memcpy (dest, src, n);             \
    }                                           \

Now that these handy macros are written, we can plug them into our Merge Sort implementation:

static void
msort (void *array, void *buf, size_t low, size_t high, size_t size,
       int copy_mode, int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    char *a1, *al, *am, *ah, *ls, *hs, *lo, *hi, *b;
    size_t copied = 0;
    size_t mid;
    mid = MID (low, high);
    if (mid + 1 < high)
        msort (array, buf, mid + 1, high, size, compare);
    if (mid > low)
        msort (array, buf, low, mid, size, compare);
    ah = ((char *) array) + ((high + 1) * size);
    am = ((char *) array) + ((mid + 1) * size);
    a1 = al = ((char *) array) + (low * size);
    b = (char *) buf;
    lo = al;
    hi = am;
    do {
        ls = lo;
        hs = hi;
        if (lo > al || hi > am) {
            /* our last loop already compared lo & hi and found lo <= hi */
            lo += size;
        while (lo < am && compare (lo, hi) <= 0)
            lo += size;
        if (lo < am) {
            if (copied == 0) {
                /* avoid copying the leading items */
                a1 = lo;
                ls = lo;
            /* our last compare tells us hi < lo */
            hi += size;
            while (hi < ah && compare (hi, lo) < 0)
                hi += size;
            if (lo > ls) {
                MEMCOPY (b, ls, lo - ls);
                copied += (lo - ls);
                b += (lo - ls);
            MEMCOPY (b, hs, hi - hs);
            copied += (hi - hs);
            b += (hi - hs);
        } else if (copied) {
            MEMCOPY (b, ls, lo - ls);
            copied += (lo - ls);
            b += (lo - ls);
            /* copy everything we needed to re-order back into array */
            MEMCOPY (a1, buf, copied);
        } else {
            /* everything already in order */
    } while (hi < ah);
    if (lo < am) {
        MEMCOPY (b, lo, am - lo);
        copied += (am - lo);
    MEMCOPY (a1, buf, copied);

MergeSort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
           int (* compare) (const void *, const void *))
    int copy_mode;
    void *tmp;
    if (nmemb < 2)
        return 0;
    if (!(tmp = malloc (nmemb * size))) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;
    if ((((char *) base) - ((char *) 0)) % sizeof (long) == 0 && (size % sizeof (long)) == 0)
        copy_mode = 1;
    else if ((((char *) base) - ((char *) 0)) % sizeof (int) == 0 && (size % sizeof (int)) == 0)
        copy_mode = 2;
        copy_mode = 0;
    msort (base, tmp, 0, nmemb - 1, size, copy_mode, compare);
    free (tmp);
    return 0;

This handy trick seems to have worked out rather well:

  • Randomized input: 7.79s
  • Sorted input: 0.99s
  • Reversed input: 1.69s

At this point, I can't think of any other obvious optimizations so I'm going to call it a day.

For a recap, here are the results of all 4 implementations compared side-by-side with the results from qsort():

qsort()msort() v1msort() v2msort() v3msort() v4


Unknown said...

You probably can gain a bit more of performance if it is implemented non-recursively.

Jeffrey Stedfast said...

Marco: Possibly, but it won't be much...

I've been playing with optimizing QuickSort and RadixSort recently and one of the things I did with those was to remove recursion, but it shaved off only miniscule amounts of time.

For example:

Recursive QuickSort: 2.874886s
Non-Recursive QuickSort: 2.833944s

Anonymous said...

What about the current "favourite" Timsort? I believe it is used in Python and Java as their default sort.

Benjamin said...

Did you try the qsort trick of using insertion sort for very small arrays?

(You don't have to use the same number for "small" as either and can experiment with it!)

Anonymous said...

This could probably be vectorised somewhat... Nice article I read on vectorisation recently:

Jeffrey Stedfast said...


Yes, I have - it helps a lot, but that doesn't matter because it's still not a stable sort ;-)

Unknown said...

Can't you just use glibc's merge sort code?

Jeffrey Stedfast said...


1. What glibc merge sort code?

2. We don't want to depend on the system having glibc.

Unknown said...

I meant the stable sort that is behind qsort in glibc (not sure if it actually is a merge sort).

And by "using the code" I meant that you copy the code out of glibc into your own sources. If glibc has code with the right properties and is faster than what you have, why not use it? Maybe the license isn't suitable, of course.

Jeffrey Stedfast said...


Ah, I see what you mean now. I'm not sure we can actually copy the glibc code license-wise, since we want to be able to support embedded versions of Moonlight in the future.

Unknown said...

I wonder how much incremental gain you'd get by special casing 2 (and maybe 3) element partitions? You might save a large number of recursion calls.

Mardy said...

One thing you might want to try out is not doing any memcpy while you are sorting the array, and do them all at the end.

So, first you make a temporary array of integers, with twice the number of elements of the input array (half of this array is used as the temporary buffer).
Then, you initialize the first half of this array with the numbers from 0 to (nmemb - 1). That is, they are the indexes to the elements in the original array. Then you do the sorting on this index array, and at the end you reorder the input array according to the new positions.

Of course you should do this only if the size of an element is greater than sizeof(int); otherwise, you can branch and use an algorithm which doesn't call memcpy at all.

- At most nmemb calls to memcpy
- Uses less memory

- implementation is slightly more complicated

Please let us know the results, if you try this solution as well. I'm following your blog through the planet gnome.

Jeffrey Stedfast said...


Yea, I was wondering that myself and started implementing it yesterday. Here's what I got as the results:

msort3 took 9.868345 seconds
msort4 took 9.609799 seconds

msort4 is just msort3 but shortcuts to insertion sort for 2-3 element partitions.

It is faster, but not a huge savings :(

If I make the threshold much larger, it runs the risk of needing vastly more compares (which in my demo app are not hugely expensive, but in the app I need this merge sort for, they require 2-4 GHashTable look-ups which make the compares more costly).

Perhaps using a Binary Insertion Sort would help...

I'm also looking at TimSort to see how that compares.

aruiz said...

Don't forget to make another blog post if you manage to make it faster than qsort! :-)

Benjamin said...

D'oh, it's so obvious but I'd never thought about it until today when I needed a stable qsort(3). And it's so awesome that I'm gonna post it here as you're not on IRC. Quoting from :
"If you want the effect of a stable sort, you can get this result by writing the comparison function so that, lacking other reason distinguish between two elements, it compares them by their addresses."

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All code posted to this blog is licensed under the MIT/X11 license unless otherwise stated in the post itself.